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  • Private Lessons via Zoom also available

    One-on-One Zoom Single Lesson

    $70 for 1hr.


    Package of 3 Lessons: $60 each.

    Zoom Group Lessons

    Start at $95+

    Method of Payments

    Cash, check, Zelle, credit or debit card accepted on the day of the lesson.

    For Zelle, enter Mobile: (310) 701-1113

    For Credit/Debit Card or PayPal tap below

      Special Events

      Tai Chi for Corporate Events, Health and Wellness Fairs, Retreats and other events, are also available.

      Compensation: Open for discussion

      To schedule a private lesson

      or inquire about a special event


    • Or text

    • (310) 701-1113

    Tai Chi instructor Angie Sierra on stage with two of her assistance demonstrating Tai Chi at a Lunar Festival
    Angie Sierra Tai Chi instructor with her assistant on stage at a lunar festival performing tai chi fan

    Special Events

    Tai Chi provided by instructor Angie Sierra